I hate to keep everyone waiting, because I know how much I longed for those details when I was checking all of the blogs on referral days, so here's a quick detail post.
Anil and I were sitting at Barney's Beanery on the Santa Monica promenade and had just ordered lunch with my sister, Laura (who just happens to be in town from Illinois til tomorrow!) and we were talking about the referral. I had just said (AFTER I checked my phone and jokingly said to them, you know, 'just checking') that I actually thought that IF the call was going to come this week, it would probably be later in the week, like maybe Friday, because they had just given out 3 referrals last Friday so they probably need to catch their breath before the next round. And all the sudden out of nowhere my new beat phone starts playing some cool tunes, we all look over and see to our amazement that it's from the UNKNOWN caller. I still pass it off as "oh, it's probably so and so, because they also come up as UNKNOWN" but in my heart of hearts, I felt it, down deep.
I answered and there was sweet Mary on the line, "Angela?"..."yes, this is her." "It's Mary from Gladney." "You're not really calling, are you???" "Yes, I am really calling and I can't wait to tell you how beautiful your little boy is..." I yelled "it's a boy!!" to Anil and Laura. And we all started freaking out (well, mostly me) about what to do next!!! We are not at a computer and we are dying to know as much as we can about our son!
So we finally decide to tell Mary that we will call her back within 20 minutes to learn all there is to know and see the pictures. I frantically asked our waitress to pack up all of our food to go because we had just received a call with "life-changing news" and had to GO! She kindly obliged. It felt like it took forever but it was probably just 5 minutes before we were out the door with our food (like I could eat!) and on our way home to call Mary back.
I don't even know how we made it home, but luckily Anil was feeling brave enough to drive. We ran in and called her back right away. It took forever to get those pics to come through and in the meantime, Mary told us all that she knew about our beautiful, precious baby boy. He is 3 1/2 months old. His given name is Arone (pronounced ah-rone). He's healthy and happy and I'm not sure there are words for how we felt when we saw him. He weighs 11.24 pounds and is 24" long - and he's growing, fast!
Anil and I are just beside ourselves - so happy, so shocked, so grateful for this amazing day. I can't wait to introduce you all to our cool, hip, brave, amazing little guy - Noah Arone, Baby K!
More to follow, I promise. For now, suffice to say, we are THRILLED! And we love EVERYONE! There is nothing but love coming from this house today, pure, magical love.
I love it!! I can't wait to see a picture. What a beautiful name! So tiny too.....eek!
I absolutely LOVE his name! I wanted to name our son (if we have one) Noah, but one of my best friends stole it from me :) I'm sure your Noah is absolutely precious! Can't wait to see pics! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
I decided to check one last time before I head to bed and boy am I glad! Thank you for sharing the details of "the call" - it gives us waiting families so much hope. 3 1/2 months old!!! Wow! I'm so so happy for you two. -Shasta
Congratulations! I love how you describe...pure magical love...
Enjoy every minute of staring at your pictures:)
I can't wait to see pics of him!! I bet he's beautiful! I love the name too. I'm so excited for you! YAY!! Praying for a quick court date.
Words cannot express how happy we are for you guys! We love you guys!
I got the chills!! Love the referral story and your baby boy is beautiful!!!
I have had your blog in our favorites for a while (we went on wait list 1/28) and was so excited to read your news! Every time I read a "referral" post I get little teary eyes... Congratulations to you both - we'll keep following your journey!
Ah, little peanut! Can't wait to see pics and hear more about him!
OH! This is SOOO exciting! Congrats
mommy!! If you want I will take a bunch of pictures for you, of him, while we are in Ethiopia. Keep in touch and we can figure it out!!
Ah, "pure, magical love". That is beautiful. I love love the picture of you two looking at that beautiful baby boy for the first time. Magical it is...
Congratulations! Can't wait to finally see pictures. I hope I am just around the corner.
Congratulations on your referral...so exciting! I can only imagine what that moment might be like, thank you for sharing your good news!
I can't tell you how excited we are for you! We've been following your journey for several months and even though we've never met, it feels like we know you and are sharing in this amazing moment (so thanks for that!!).
Congratulations! Such a fun story of receiving the call!! A bundle of baby BOY joy!
PS A little jealous that you apparently live either in Santa Monica or close to Santa Monica and frequent the 3rd Street Promenade.... FUN!
Congratulations! Chills, chills and more chills! and a BOY! whoo hoo! I can't wait to see his perfect little face. Thank you for sharing your story...I'm so happy for you! Cheers to your family and to magical love!
Noah- LOVE the name!
What a sweet story! I love hearing referral call stories. Yours is a great one. Congrats again. Sorry that I didn't have any pictures of your little guy. Fingers crossed for a quick court date.
Oh my, the tears!!!!!!!I'm so happy for you guys!!!Yayyyyyy!!
Teeny tiny baby!!!Congrats!!!
I just saw your post on the Ethiopia adopt group and wanted to say Congrats!!
We just found out our Court date is April 8th. It's a good week!
Oh I am SO thrilled for you! What a beautiful, magical day!
Wonderful news!! I am so happy for you, I'm sure he is just gorgeous.
Rejoicing with you guys!!! Let us know if you'd like us to take pics for you when we travel. (Apr. 9th court) Blessings~ Shelly robertsfamily@mlgc.com
Congrats on your referral! What an exciting time for you both. Don't forget to get the book Adoption Parenting: Creating a Toolbox, Building Connections on preparation to meeting your son! May your journey be swift and easy!
Hooray, hooray!!! I can't believe I missed this yesterday. We are celebrating with you!!!
Just found your blog. Congratulations!
Congrats! What a fun story!
becca :)
precious, precious! so happy for you guys! can't wait to see pictures!! what a wonderful story!! keep coming referrals!!
Congrats! Always thrilled to read about referral news!
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