Monday, January 12, 2009

Tree! (tee!)

Noah loves trees, almost as much as he loves hats. Here he is pointing to the tree in our backyard and shouting "tee!"'s pretty sweet.

As he grows, he just continues to amaze us with his energy, imagination, little words and funny looks! He's got the furrowed brow down when he doesn't understand or understands and doesn't like what you have to say!

Unfortunately, we had just taught him how to say touchdown ("tada" with his arms raised in proper form), only in time for the Giants to suffer a big lose yesterday. But that's alright - he's primed and ready for next season. And we'll just have to cheer on the Eagles for my Uncle's sake for the remainder of this one (although I'm not sure Anil will allow it)...
Next up is detaching the pacifier once and for all, and trying to get him to sleep through the night again. He has been waking up at least twice every night for a while now and we are not sure why. We have neighbors upstairs so it's hard to even consider letting him 'cry it out' - if anyone has any advice on either subject, please don't hesitate to write.


Danni and Tommy said...

He is one cute little guy! We'd love to get together with you guys!
Wish I had wisdom to share, but I don't... Love the pictures and really love that he loves trees...

I Love Purple More Than You said...

He's so cute! Why do you need to detach the pacifier? Our kids had them anywhere they wanted until they were two, then they could only have them in bed. Around 2 and 1/2 we'd phase them out.

crystal said...

Adorable pics! Also, I love that he loves to say touchdown, and clap at completely inappropriate times (like when the other team scores)! He was ridiculously adorable yesterday (especially in that leopard hat). I’ll come and stack blocks/cups/whatever he finds funny that he can knock down any day! :)

Kimberly said...

I love when little ones start to talk. My son's latest word is "sorry," which works out well since he has to say it a lot (hitting, pushing, biting, etc).

Aeson has always slept so well, but at about 15-16 months he started waking up several times in the middle of the night. Nothing appeared to be wrong. After a couple of weeks of getting up with him, I had to let him cry it out otherwise he would have become a night owl (once I got him out of bed he was wide awake). I have neighbors, too, and felt VERY guilty. Turns out he didn't cry for longer than a few minutes and then fell right back to sleep. Good luck!

Becky B. said...

Agh, he looks so grown up! He is soooo cute!

Unknown said...

He is so cute! I can't believe that little baby boy is talking so much already! My niece started waking up again. My sister in law is trying a method where she is standing in the room with the baby, but looking out the window or something just to make her feel secure but doesn't engage her at all. It's working. I love the book Baby 4-1-1 and it includes sleep suggestions. They also have Toddler 4-1-1. Of course, I'm in prep mode!

coffeemom said...

He is getting SO big! It's amazing isn't it!? And so darn cute, really handsome little guy! As for the sleeping, they go in phases it seems, good and bad. It'll pass. As for the pacifier....imho: let it be. It'll pass on it's own and it's not worth the trauma. It's a comfort, he's a baby, he's entitled. I wish Gabe would take one and then not want/need the water bottle at night (and he's just now TWO!). So, especially for him, let him have it, he'll give it up when he's ready, truly and not need it for big boy school. no worries. M

Rebecca said...

Noah is so big! The picture of you two is really sweet.

Please! Sleep advice? Let me know when you find something that works :)

Heather said...

I just re-stumbled across your blog. It is funny because I saw it before I went to Ethiopia to pick up my daughter and I then saw you at the Hilton having lunch in the garden. I told my husband that I recognized you-all from a blog I had seen, but I didn't want to bother you. And now I have stumbled upon your blog again. Your little guy is a cutie. Congratulations.

DrewCareyShow said...

That Noah is too cool for school! Look forward to seeing you guys again on Saturday!

sliceofisaaclife said...

Isn't it so sweet/fun to watch their personalities bloom and their little characteristics emerge? I post some Owen antics on our blog, but I also keep a little notebook about what Owen says/does ("Lizard of Oz ;), how he pronounces things, (Mommy, where are the instructuries for my transformer?) likes/dislikes, etc. I bet they will love hearing about this stuff when they are older! Sorry i haven't been in blogland in awhile...glad to see you all are thriving. Noah is so incredibly adorable...please give him a smooch from me! xoxo