Yesterday was Anil's birthday so we actually got it together well enough to jump in the car and go to Disneyland - they have a promotion this year that you can get in free on your birthday so we thought WHY NOT.
Later we admitted to each other that secretly neither of us thought we would ACTUALLY get out of the house and GO, but we did it! We were so happy that we did - Noah had a great time. We stayed for about 6 hours and rode 6 rides - Small World, Mr. Toad's, Snow White, TEA CUPS (Noah loved!), Merry-go-round (Noah did not love!) and of course, DUMBO! Afterward, we were exhausted but very pleased with our fun-filled day.
If you click on the photo, you can see close up all of the new expressions that Noah has recently acquired - he is quite the little clown! Also, he now SITS when we tell our little pup George to sit, and last night when Anil told Noah to GO TO SLEEP, he laid down right where he was (middle of the floor in our room) and acted like he was going to sleep. I'll try to capture some of this on video soon. Too funny to miss.